Manchester based fashion and lifestyle blog

10 February 2015

STYLE: A New Do!

Anyone who follows me on Twitter (_JustMeeDee_) knows that I’ve been going on for ages about having a new hair do.  Its been long and various degrees of Ombre since I lived in Cape Town, and I was ready for a change.  I’ve mentioned before that the end of 2014 threw some pretty crappy stuff at me, so I was associating a new hair do, rightly or wrongly, with a new start.

Anyway, this is me at Christmas, long, ombre, and hows its been for ages!

After a lot of procrastinating, which I have found recently I am VERY good at, I decided that I wanted a total change, and fiery red head like Emma Stone was just what I needed.  So, off I toddled on Saturday, armed with my photo.  Unfortunately, due to years of colouring, bleaching, straightening, and general bad activity, my hair wouldn’t take the red as a full head as it looked slightly peach and patchy when my hairdresser did the strand test, and as much as I liked it, I didn’t think a full head of it would look good!!  I’d also been wanting a shorter doo for ages, but thought, as my hairs super thin, it would look straggly so had always changed by mind.  Anyway, this time, I had no choice, as 6 inches was lobbed off to make it in a much healthier condition, leaving me with the messy long bob I’d wanted, but not had the guts to do!!  Colour wise, as I couldn’t go red, I went for a more blond colour, still leaving roots (Debbie Harry is my ultimate hair icon, I love that dirty, rock star look), with some copper highlights in it, so give it the pinky/peachy look I liked, and making the ends really blonde.

Overall, I’m really happy with it.  It looks tonnes healthier, give me the different look I wanted, but is also a style I don’t need to hugely keep on top of, as it’ll look better in my opinion as it begins to grown out.  However, I love the white blonde at the end, so am thinking, I've gone that far, why not go all the way ....... I wanted a new lifestyle as well as new hair ........


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