Manchester based fashion and lifestyle blog

11 September 2012

MY:LOOK Out Of My Comfort Zone

Recently I’ve felt in a bit of a fashion rut, and even though I bought lots of new stuff when I was back in the UK, I’m kind of uninspired.  So, I’ve set myself a September challenge, to look at my wardrobe differently and create different looks.  I view my clothes as mainly night and day pieces, due to what I bought them for, but why should a dress be for night when I can easily wear it with a biker jacket and boots for day?  Also why should a maxi skirt be just a skirt when it can be worn as a short dress, and why should things that shouldn’t work together not look great together cos someone has had the confidence to try it?  So, this month I’m trying to be bolder with my fashion choices.  I’ve had loads of ideas which don’t look so great when I’ve tried them on, leaving my bedroom looking like a bomb site, but I’m determined to keep trying and see what happens.  This month there might be more outfit posts, or there may be none…….. all depends how the challenge goes!
The weather at the weekend in Cape Town was gorgeous, so J and I went out for a few drinks at an amazing bar near where we live.  I love the idea of clashing prints, but seeing as I neither own nor wear prints it’s not a trend I’ve followed.  Anyway, with my new September mindset, I teamed these pieces together, and actually think its works!  The bright clutch brings out the pink in the floral print of the vest, and they all tie together due to the black base.  I was quite impressed with my 1st attempt at stepping out of my comfort zone, long may it continue!
Vest – H&M      Skirt – River Island        Shoes – Stylistpick       Clutch – Marks and Spencer (old)




  1. this outfit looks really good!
    you should try pushing yourself more frequently!
    i am thinking of doing in myself too actually!

  2. I am a big fan of day slash night outfits. I am off to SA next month so good to see yours posts :-)

  3. love the combination of floral and stripes!

  4. This is super cute!! I love the mixture of patterns.

  5. Hi Dee! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Btw you look awesome in these pics and love that clutch girl! Can I just meet u where ever u r because it looks super nice! I am your newest follower :) thanks again for stopping by!

    XO Meghan

  6. Great, and inspiring photos


  7. Great job of mixing prints! I also like the pink clutch to kind of "tie" all the mixing in.. Fab! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
    Nikki at


Thanks for your comment, I love hearing other peoples views on my fashion loves! xoxo

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